Use "dossier|dossiers" in a sentence

1. Dossiers on biocidal products are required to address at least all the points listed under ‘Dossier requirements’.

2. Dossiers on active substances are required to address at least all the points listed under ‘Dossier requirements’.

3. Dossiers on active micro-organisms shall address at least all the points listed under ‘Dossier requirements’ below.

4. Dossiers on biocidal products are required to address at least all the points listed under 'Dossier requirements`.

5. Read the dossiers, your roles are explained in there.

6. Notes on Conceptualisms (Udp Dossier)

7. The bureaus Amassed personal dossiers so detailed that J

8. We have a dossier on him.

9. Despatch of the dossier for the session

10. This is GIA-graded with a dossier.

11. 1. The notifier shall submit the dossier for the active substance (the dossier) to the rapporteur Member State.

12. =5 - Despatch of the dossier for the session

13. When user login in, he can search it's dossier.

14. Manville re-read his personal dossier with mounting enthusiasm.

15. A firm of detectives produced a dossier on his activities.

16. Byline Investigates obtained a copy of the Markle dossier from Hanks

17. analytical skills: analysing complex information and dossiers and peer reviewing scientific work and publications,

18. Branson began to assemble a dossier on his chairman's activities.

19. analytical skills: analysing complex information and dossiers and peer reviewing scientific work and publications

20. We have a hefty dossier on his exploits in the war.

21. Iraq claims the contents in the weapon dossier prepared by Britain baseless.

22. Benzene Information on Registered Substances comes from registration dossiers which have been assigned a registration number

23. Catholicisme Retrouvez dans ce dossier tous les articles sur la religion catholique

24. By the time of that announcement, 18,000 people had applied to get access to their dossiers.

25. Prajadhipok even branded the dossier "communist" and attacked Pridi publicly about it.

26. Ensuring dossier complete , select and quality suitable suppliers with Purchasing and check quality realization.

27. There's no need for grainy surveillance photos or a Tom Clancy – style dossier.

28. Consult our dossiers and advice sheets for information on our papers, technical enquiries, hints and artists’ profiles.

29. Actualité, analyses, dossiers, tendances, interviews : tous les jours, vous propose le meilleur de l'actualité Blagues

30. The dossier provided no information about alternatives for trifluralin or on their cost-benefits.

31. The Conservative Central Office media monitoring unit is to prepare a dossier on the coverage.

32. I would be very pleased to show anyone my dossier of material on the Raven.

33. After the initial shock, the enlargement dossier might be treated as if nothing had happened.

34. In principle an active substance shall only be approved where a complete dossier is submitted.

35. The process passes into its second stage when the prosecutor submits his dossier to an examining magistrate.

36. Feinstein shares the widespread concern about identity theft and the creation of profiles or dossiers on individuals without their knowledge.

37. The Staff Selection Commission has completed the recruitment process and has already sent dossiers for 622 Assistants/Lower Division Clerks appointment.

38. The Agency should maintain a list of substances for which a restriction dossier is being prepared

39. The Agency should maintain a list of substances for which a restriction dossier is being prepared.

40. This request will not be admissible until all the elements of the dossier have been forwarded.

41. Ministry of Personnel of the People's Republic of China, has put my story into the dossier.

42. And in their own dossiers, I found a few suggestive hints to the effect that Rains and Kruger were hardly spotless.

43. the dossier is for a substance listed in the Community rolling action plan referred to in Article

44. There is no absolute public right to access all of the data in an industry applicant’s dossier.

45. The investigation officer would then prepare a full dossier to be sent to both sides prior to the hearing.

46. La plateforme e-Cames de soumission des dossiers en ligne est ouverte à partir du 15 décembre, avec une

47. The dossier was an economic plan, which advocated socialist solutions to the country's many financial and economic problem.

48. Also please instruct records to make up a current personal dossier on Manville and all his known contacts.

49. By the time a barrister is considered for judicial appointment, the dossier will contain considerable information about him or her.

50. In principle an active substance, safener or synergist shall only be approved where a complete dossier is submitted.

51. Mr Mafouz, a big, jolly man who worked for a travel agent, was compiling a dossier on him.

52. Oh, yes, a wonderful painting, but would you by any chance have a dossier on Meurent, the model?

53. Fifteen years in the making, a dossier of papers on "Ardi" published in Science suggest that like

54. The dossier comprises the obligatory data about a selection of 56 Caravanserais, which are scattered across the ancient land

55. Recite my entire career history complete with qualifications, pay scale, dates of promotions and dossier of official merit-ratings and reprimands?

56. We understand that the user has initiated a collaboration campaign to investigate, research, interview, gather evidence, and compile a comprehensive dossier on Cannanine.

57. CNN’s Alisyn Camerota – “Much of the dossier has been Corroborated… Your intel community has Corroborated all the details in there.” Former DNI Director James Clapper on CNN: “All of the content of the dossier we were able to corroborate in our intelligence community assessment from other sources, which we had very high confidence.”

58. The Embassy commends the hard teamwork of the staff of the Asmara Heritage Project (AHP) in compiling the dossier necessary for designation

59. Capitalisme Adam Smith Consulter aussi dans le dictionnaire : Capitalisme Cet article fait partie du dossier consacré à la révolution industrielle.

60. 22 Sefton councillors this week stripped the club of its entertainments licence after being handed a police dossier detailing violent and rowdy incidents.

61. For the first time, US investigators say they have Corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a …

62. The Barbican Centre, Europe's largest multi-arts venue, has been accused of being "inherently racist" in a dossier compiled by current and former staff

63. Cheminova A/S submitted its summary and complete dossiers to the Republic of Finland, the rapporteur Member State, identifying four crop uses for review: apples, strawberries, alfalfa and ornamentals (greenhouse plants).

64. The Agency then confirms the submission date of this information and makes a further completeness check within 3 weeks of receipt of the updated dossier.

65. Basenet biedt een alles in één oplossing voor: Dossier en relatiebeheer, e-mail, CRM, DMS, agenda en taken, KEI, toevoegingen, tijdschrijven, facturatie, en veel meer

66. Photos Dossier CC-144 Challenger Overview The CC-144 Challenger, DND’s twin-engine, long-range executive jet, offers rapid air transportation to Canadian and international VIPs.

67. Instead , she ordered a review of his dossier and only in 1996 placed him on non - disciplinary administrative leave with full pay - a form of paid vacation .

68. Presentation de l'Assemblee nationale, du palais Bourbon, de ses membres (deputes), de son fonctionnement et de son actualite : agenda, travaux en cours (amendements, rapports, commissions, lois), textes et dossiers (legislatifs ou d'actualite)

69. The Agency will perform a simple electronic completeness check at the dossier submission stage (the quality of the information submitted may be checked Afterwards in the evaluation process)

70. Translations in context of "Candidature" in French-English from Reverso Context: de mise en Candidature, formulaire de Candidature, acte de Candidature, dossier de Candidature, poser leur Candidature

71. Téléchargez le fichier correspondant à votre système et décompressez-le dans le dossier Baston en écrasant les anciens fichiers, si besoin

72. Découvrez Curium, le magazine science, techno et société des 14-17 ans ! Dans chaque numéro: un dossier sur des enjeux qui vous touchent

73. The complete tender dossier comprising the specific rules governing the invitation to tender, contract terms, the public service obligations, market conditions etc. can be obtained free of charge from the following address:

74. Conférence de Presse sur le lancement du Dossier Pharmaceutique Partagé le 25 février 2014 à l'Apb Apb uploaded a video 6 years ago 3:11

75. The complete tender dossier comprising the specific rules governing the invitation to tender, contract terms, the public service obligations, market conditions etc. can be obtained free of charge from the following address

76. Official Spokesperson: This point was very ably handled by External Affairs Minister at her press conference where she said they wave these empty dossiers; we have live terrorists from Pakistan that we can parade before the international community.

77. It has to be said, though, the Marks [amp] Spencer dossier, to which reference has already been made, will, whether we like it or not, very quickly lead to the debate turning to tax harmonisation.

78. The assessment of the dossier submitted shows that the Coccidiostat described in the Annex satisfies all the requirements of Article #a of Directive #/EEC, when used for the animal category and under the conditions described in the Annex to this Regulation

79. Antivirotic: 4B Zone Stability* on demand: Available Territory: Global: EMTRICITABINE + TENOFOVIR ALAFENAMIDE Dosage Form: Film-coated tablet: Dosage Strength: 200 + 10 mg 200 + 25 mg: Development Status: ongoing: Dossier Readiness: Q1 2024: ATC Group: Antivirotic: 4B Zone Stability* on demand: Available Territory

80. ‘Kenny Bemoans the loss of that sense of community.’ ‘Mr Britton Bemoans the location of the new hospital.’ ‘Weil Bemoans the fact that the ban was the only one of twenty-five commission recommendations adopted.’ ‘It also Bemoans the city's refusal to release the dossiers to the people discussed within them.’